Anne Owers

Anne Owers is the Director of Justice. She is a member of the Home Office Task Force on the implementation of the Human Rights Act and a member of the Lord Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Legal Education and Conduct. She is also an Advisory Board member of the Human Rights Incorporation Project, Kings College, London. Anne is an expert on refugee and immigration issues. She was previously the General Secretary of the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, the Chair of Trustees, Refugee Legal Centre, and a member of the Race and Community Relations Committee of Church of England. Anne has written numerous articles on criminal justice and refugee/immigration law. She has contributed to Human Rights in the UK (1989, ed Sieghart), Strangers and Citizens (1994, IPPR) and Immigration Law Handbook (JCWI, 1992, 1998). In addition, Anne has edited JUSTICE reports on Unreliable evidence (use of confession evidence, 1994), Remedying miscarriages of justice (1995), Providing protection (asylum determination procedures) (1997).

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