Members of Methodist Executive

Members of the Methodist Church involved

in the case of Rev Peter Timms.




Rev. Peter Timms OBE MA  is a supernummary  Methodist Minister, He was formerly one of the UK's most senior prison governors. He was awarded the SCS silver medal as spokesperson for the Prison Governors of the United Kingdom for 21 years and the OBE for his work with prisoners.  

Peter was the originating mind and founder of the Butler Trust and the Prisons Video Trust. As Governor of Maidstone Prison, he introduced several major reforms into the prison system. He was placed in charge of the murderess Myra Hindley.  He was the first Governor of HMYOI Glen Parva.

Rev Gareth Powell  is the Secretary to the Conference and the most senior member of the Executive of the Church.

Rev Jonathan Hustler - replaced Rev Powell in 2018 

Rev Alan Bolton was, until 2018, the leading member of the complaints section of the Methodist Church, and was based in Methodist Church House in London. It was he who chose the inquiry panel which considered the case of Rev Peter Timms. It was he who, when confronted wit the misdemeanors of the connexional panel of inquiry, claimed that he had no power to intervene.


Deacon Donna Ely replaced Rev Bolton in 2018.

Ms Louise Wilkins  Senior legal adviser to the Methodist Church - the person who stated that Rev Timms could not complain about the process which was used in considering his complaints. It was she who told him that all further letters from him would be placed on a pile - unread.

Professor Chris Kitchin - leader of the connexional panel of inquiry which issued the false confession to Rev Peter Timms and demanded that he sign it. It was he who received evidence from spies in Bexhill about Rev Timm's movements and used the information against him by bringing forward the date of the final hearing of the case. It was he who changed the reason for this change of date by in order to cover up the fact that Rev Timms had been placed under covert surveillance after he came out of hospital after a suffering heart problems.

Rev Val Reid  the second member of the connexional panel of inquiry who went along with various breaches of standing orders during the work of the inquiry.

Rev Chris Jones - the third member of the connexional member of inquiry which so traduced the standing orders in order to dismiss the complaint by Rev Timms about impartiality in the choice of a Superintendent.  

Rev Ian Pruden - the minister whose election to be Superintendent of the Hastings Rye and Bexhill Circuit caused so much trouble in 2014 and produced half a decade of argument.

Rev John Hellyer - the chairman of the South East region who ordered the suppression of Rev Timms' opinions at the 2014 circuit meeting and who later, when the secret charge was laid against Rev Timms, ordered the destruction of documents concerning the discussions of the invitation committee of 2016  - when Rev Pruden's tenure of office was extended. It was John Hellyer who, in 2017,  ordered the suspension of Rev Timms from all church duties - and then refused to lift the suspension when Rev Timms and his friends complied with all the demands that Rev Hellyer had laid down for the suspension.

Mr John Troughton - the chief circuit steward in Bexhill who submitted more than a dozen "nuisance" grievances against Rev Timms in 2018, some of a criminal nature. He later retracted all of them when confronted about them. He then agreed a document of reconciliation - but after he had shaken hands on the reconciliation agreement, re-neged on his word and withdrew it. A member of the safeguarding committee, he seems to believe that throwing mud in the hope that some will stick is a legitimate practice for safeguarding the Methodist Church.


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Peter Hill. He  is a retired BBC TV television producer who specialised in investigative programmes, particularly those concerned with miscarriages of justice. For forty years he worked for all the major current affairs programmes, such as "Panorama" and Newsnight.

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